How do you know when you need new tires?

3 ways to know you need new tires

Cold weather is fast approaching and now is a great time to start preparing. Not only is autumn a great time to get your vehicle in for routine maintenance, it’s also a good time to check your tires. While tires seem like a pretty basic part of the vehicle, it’s very important all four be in top shape. Not only do the quality of your tires affect your fuel economy, it can also affect the safety of your vehicle. So how do you know when you need new tires? Here are three surefire ways to know.

Tire pressure
It’s important to be periodically checking tire pressure throughout the month. Tire pressure plays a significant role in your fuel economy so when tires are properly filled your vehicle can be more efficient. While your tires are unlikely to suddenly deflate one day, losing tire pressure consistently is a good sign you need new tires.

Tread wear
This is a major indicator. Do the good ol’ penny test. Simply put a penny into the tread of your tire with Lincoln’s head pointing down. If you see the top of his head then your tires are in dire need of replacement.

This doesn’t always happen, but if you’re seeing cracks, gouges or bulges in your tires it’s time those four called it a day. In fact, usually a tire that is deflating gets cracks. So it’s likely if your tire has this then it’s also probably also displaying low tire pressure.

How do you know when you need new tires? If any of these characteristics sound familiar, it could be time to get a new set of four. Contact the team in the Matt Castrucci Nissan Service Department to get started. Our team of experts not only excel at what they do, but are the best in the area. In addition, we work hard to get your vehicle in for service and back on the road quickly. To make an appointment, call 855-299-1946 or use our online scheduling form located here. We look forward to speaking with you soon!