Category Archives: Tips and tricks

Close up on an engine

Why Your Car’s Engine is Suffering from Reduced Performance

Common Reasons for Reduced Engine Performance

When your vehicle’s engine starts to run into performance issues, it’s easy to notice. Driving a vehicle with sluggish and unresponsive acceleration is never an enjoyable experience. Fortunately, this issue can easily be resolved by taking your vehicle in for professional service. Drivers in search of a list of common reasons for reduced engine performance should continue reading.

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2020 Nissan Sentra parked inside a building

Taking Care of Your Nissan During the Stay-At-Home Lockdown

Nissan Car Care Tips During Coronavirus Lockdown

Because of the coronavirus lockdown, it’s easy for drivers to forget about the importance of automotive care. To promote proper car maintenance during this time, Nissan has uploaded a car care tips video to the Nissan USA YouTube channel with excellent advice for all Nissan owners. Continue reading to learn about Nissan car care tips during the coronavirus lockdown.

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A car approaching a pothole

Protect Your Vehicle from Damage Caused by Potholes

How to Avoid Potholes in City Streets

Potholes are a common hazard on the road. Unfortunately, even going over shallow or small holes can cause damage to your vehicle. Drivers who want to learn all about pothole damage and how to avoid potholes in city streets should continue reading. We’ve compiled all the information the average driver should know about pothole damage and how to avoid it.

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A large scratch in the side of a car

Best Ways to Avoid Paint Scratches and Dents on Your Vehicle

How to Protect Your Car’s Paint from Scratches and Dents

It can be frustrating to notice scratches, dents and scuffs on your vehicle. This can open up the risk for further, more serious damage, such as rust. Wondering how to protect your car’s paint from scratches and dents? We’ve compiled several strategies for you to follow to prevent external damage on your vehicle.

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