All posts by Admin

Solar roads, won’t you?

The internet is a buzz of late with the concept of solar road ways. An Indiegogo page, a website used to jump start projects with crowd-funding, set a goal of $1 million, which the Solar Roadways project has already surpassed. Started by a couple in Idaho, the project seeks to replace the roads, highway, sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots with hexagon shaped solar panels. The panels would have a heavy duty glass cover over top LED lights and the solar panels themselves. The single panels could be removed and replaced without disturbing the rest of the road, making fixing issues quick and efficient. They also are programmed to radiate heat at just above freezing, meaning that snow and ice wouldn’t be able to find purchase, making slick roads a thing of the past.

The many features the project touts include LED lights that could be light up in any way they are programmed for, meaning that a basketball court could be re-lit to have foursquare courts and hopscotch lit up. Animals and debris on the road would light up, giving drivers at night plenty of warning. Signs could be written on the road, alerting drivers of things such as construction or traffic ahead of them. And on top of all this, the solar panels would function as solar panels as well, meaning that while it comes with all these fancy applications, it would first and foremost convert solar energy into a power source. Given the nearly 29,000 square miles of road currently strewn about the U.S., that is a lot of space that could be providing the country energy while serving a vital service.

Winning multiple awards as well as two phases of funding from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, it looks like this product could solve multiple issues the nation faces. Sure the price tag to install it over every inch of road across the country is well and far into the trillions, but it is a great step towards a sustainable economy, as the makers tout that their solar panels, if adopted nationwide, would create three times more energy than the country currently consumes. Sure it’s a pipe dream at the moment, but it’s the coolest looking pipe dream we’ve seen in a while.

Summer camp…ing

Mountain RangeIt’s that time of year again. When the Sun will always be up before you and will be up just long enough to tuck you in at night. The time of year with at least 15 hours of daylight. And not a single second of the beautiful weather can be wasted. So hop in your car and get going. What’s that? You have neither the car nor the destination? Well good news. The perfect combination of vehicle/vacation is now available to you. Below are three great pairs of top 2014 Nissan vehicles with the three best places to take them and why. Read the rest of this entry >>

Striking a sweeter note

2014 Nissan Versa Note Dayton OH

2014 Nissan Versa NoteThe 2014 Nissan Versa Note in Dayton, OH is above all, a car that serves a function. It is exactly what it is sold as, a small capable car that will get the customer from one place to another with several other people and also some cargo if so they choose. The Versa Note is a small hatchback version of the 2014 Nissan Versa sedan. And with not a lot of flare or over styling, this utilitarian vehicle does what it was designed to do. Move things cheaply. Read the rest of this entry >>

The Future is now

The Future is now

Or at least it’s looking like it’s starting today. And sure, some other cars have gotten the ball rolling, but Google has taken the first real step towards automated driving. Past attempts have been normal cars that have been modified to drive themselves, and though they have worked admirably, it is time for the tech giant to flex its IT muscle and show how it’s done. Google has unveiled the first completely automated vehicle built solely to be completely automated. From the ground up, this nameless prototype has no steering wheel. It has no brake pedal, nor does it have an acceleration pedal. Read the rest of this entry >>

Nissan GT-R is the real Godzilla of the summer

2014 Nissan GT-R Dayton OH

2015 Nissan GT-RWhen Nissan released the GT-R, it was a screaming monster. And the 2015 Nissan GT-R in Dayton, OH is no different…except for the addition of a new Nissan Nismo edition, which makes a screaming monster into a screaming feral monster. The GT-R is a beast of a sports car and the new model year fine tunes the beast to make the wild ride a little more comfortable without sacrificing anything that made it great. It also actively made an attempt to make the interior quieter, which, depending on who is asked, isn’t necessarily a good thing, but it does make for an “easier on the ears” drive. Read the rest of this entry >>

Nissan Leaf on the Wind

2014 Nissan Leaf Dayton OH

Sales of the 2014 Nissan Leaf in Dayton, OH are booming. In fact, across the country, the sales of the Leaf continue to jump as Nissan puts more and more energy into getting more and more energy from their Leaf. Between interesting marketing and joint ventures to increase fuel efficiency, Nissan seems to be letting its favorite EV vehicle, the Leaf, lead the way. Read the rest of this entry >>

Plenty to Do in the Early Summer in Dayton

2014 Summer Events Dayton OH


As always, summers brings out the best weather which undoubtedly brings out the biggest events of the year. Sun has always equaled fun, And in Dayton, that has never been more true than over the next few months, when the Ohio valley will explode with daily and nightly events that range from parades and concerts, to firework shows and even fishing derbies. The winter has never been more jealous of 2014 Summer Events in Dayton OH. Read the rest of this entry >>

Juking Through A Crowded Field

2014 Nissan Juke Dayton, OH

The 2014 Nissan Juke in Dayton, OH is a driver’s car. Not made to haul a lot of people or things, the Juke was designed for one thing, fun driving. It’s pretty apparent with its garish exterior, curved and jutting in some of the oddest places, looking more like a frog than any car we’ve ever seen, that Nissan wanted this vehicle to be all about looks and feels, practicality being thrown to the curb. Read the rest of this entry >>

Welcome to Castrucci Nissan’s New Blog

2014 Nissan Juke Sideview

If you’re looking for a new Nissan or a used car in Dayton, Ohio, than travel no further than Castrucci Nissan. With over 200 new Nissans on the lot and more than 250 used vehicles, you’ll undoubtedly find what you’re looking for and so much more. Our service department and ability to help you get your car financed are second to none and we’ll do our best to make sure you get quality help throughout the entire process of getting your vehicle. Read the rest of this entry >>